By: Matteo Castelli

While we live in a world of confusion, chaos, and discord, surely Truth is needed like never before. When I speak of truth, though, many would object and feel dismay at my apparent ease at using this term, for there are many versions of this concept and nothing written about truth is ever absolute, except maybe from our distant past. Even though we base our perception on it, and vice e versa, it is an evasive term. At best, some say it is a relative term.

However, truth is real. It exists with or without us. Every atom spins for its own reason, or joins itself to others by a cause, and will do so with or without us. We do not need to be present for this. Nor do our opinions matter. But I dare to suggest that when we speak of the truth, if we are being honest, we all know that there is a truth. There is a moment of cognitive awareness when we apprehend the reality of an event, the meaning of an action, the point of a situation, the psychological interpretation of an expression of a human being. We can admit what we “see” in our formed mental image that it is in fact, right. Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule, but this is very rare. In fact, the exception is a warning to us and others of psychosis or a metabolic imbalance, something that is not natural or ordinary for us.
We often alter the truth that we see or understand. This we do, by adding different colors or forms to obscure the portrait in our consciousness. We choose to deny or to reject the meaning of our mind. We distort our perception of reality and remain faithful to our opinions, our beliefs, or to our ideologies instead.

But we must stay faithful to that image. Because, even though that image may be daunting, inconvenient, or even frightening, worse still, is letting the truth foster unattended with its right to be known, lest we be vulnerable to the consequences of ignorance. George Santayana warned us, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Look at this world. Let’s be honest. It is painful to see it straight on. Look at it politically, in its natural state, in its physical form —it is hacked, barely self -sustaining, overheated, in conflict and divisive, at war with itself, diseased in prejudice, in crime, everywhere, in everyone, and in ourselves. But if we are to save ourselves, we must see the truth of our damage; we must accept the costs for repair; we must change our way of thinking. The present ideologies cannot take us through our existential deserts, rainstorms, and fires. And it is the younger generation who must cope with the world that they will be inheriting from their uncaring and inconsiderate previous generations, without rose colored lenses or blind sighted eyes. Our children must deal with the mess.

Remember these words: Grace, Beauty, Justice and Love? Once, long time ago, we used such words to describe our planet, our societies, our communities, and ourselves. But who are we now? What have we become? I suggest that there is one design to truth. We are always aligned with it, here on this planet, Earth. Truth is too powerful to have been created for only one planet, for only our time, for only one species, or one selection of people. We are a part of reality. But if we perish, reality and truth go on. For reality is a permanent structure. It is the structure that maintains the universe and its laws– the physical laws, the laws of life, the laws of karma, the laws involved in healing, the laws of hope, the laws of justice, and the laws of love. And there is only one design for reality. And it is fair. It is profound. It is just. And it is beautiful. It is the work of a weaver or weavers whose threads imbue the structure of the universe in love which support it. The weaver or weavers must be beautiful, because the structure that we ride our lives upon is also beautiful, though we are unaware every day that we are following many rules and many laws which are covert, complementary, life-sustaining, and beautiful.

There is no coincidence to these laws. They are not formed by mere random chance, nor have they accidentally just come together, as an atheist would have us think. These laws work together and they make sense as they are doing so. They are purposefully united. Atomic positive valence attracts negative valence one hundred per cent of the times. And molecules do not fit together in a hazard or random fashion.

These rules were created by a creative force, and they are utilized in all that live and in all that are formed. They are the reflection of the designer’s personality. And it can be shown that the creator or creators value continuance, creation, growth, sustainability, positivity, orderliness, justice, love, and goodness. These things are true. We are a good species, we think. But we are only one species on this one single planet. We imagine ourselves as superior and having the highest moral standards. However, consider what Albert Einstein said: “Mankind invented the atomic bomb, but a mouse would never construct a mousetrap